Thursday, 16 July 2015 07:45

Student from Languages Center Works in El Salvador

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Kathy Munguia, a student from the Languages Center's English course, has traveled to El Salvador this week and she shared a bit about her interesting experience: ''The event that I am in is called "International Itinerant Sculpture Symposium, Metapán 2018", we are working in Metapán, Santa Ana, El Salvador. We are 20 sculptors, there are participants from Italy, El Salvador, Honduras, Hungary, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, of which 3 are women, one from El Salvador, one from Italy and I from Honduras.

Kathy Munguia, estudiante del diplomado de inglés en el Centro de Idiomas se encuentra en El Salvador esta semana y nos ha compartido un poco sobre el propósito de su viaje: ''El evento en el que estoy se llama "Simposio Itinerante Internacional de Escultura, Metapán 2018", estamos trabajando en Metapán, Santa Ana, El Salvador. Somos 20 escultores, hay participantes de Italia, El Salvador, Honduras, Hungría, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, de los cuales 3 somos mujeres una de El Salvador, una de Italia y yo de Honduras. El dibujo del niño es mi boceto para la escultura en esa roca. Esta obra es un recordatorio de la protección que como sociedad debemos o deberíamos darle a la niñez al ser la etapa más frágil, pura y sensible del ser humano, por ello es la figura de un bebé envuelto y con los ojos cerrados en posición como si alguien lo estuviese cargando, como artista entiendo mi responsabilidad y compromiso al hablar desde la roca, por los niños que sufren las guerras, el abandono y la hipocresía social.'' ¡Éxitos, Kathy! Kathy Munguia, a student from the Languages Center's English course, has traveled to El Salvador this week and she shared a bit about her interesting experience: ''The event that I am in is called "International Itinerant Sculpture Symposium, Metapán 2018", we are working in Metapán, Santa Ana, El Salvador. We are 20 sculptors, there are participants from Italy, El Salvador, Honduras, Hungary, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, of which 3 are women, one from El Salvador, one from Italy and I from Honduras. The child's drawing is my sketch for the sculpture on that rock. This work is a reminder of the protection that we as a society should give to children as it is the most fragile, pure and sensitive stage of the human being, for that reason it is the figure of a baby wrapped and with eyes closed in position as if Someone was carrying it, as an artist I understand my responsibility and commitment to speak from the rock, for children who suffer war, abandonment and social hypocrisy.''
Read 1582 times Last modified on Thursday, 18 October 2018 16:27
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Como Surge el CI

The Languages Center opened its doors to the UPNFM community in February, 2015; having has its main objective the promotion of the internationalization of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM). The Languages Center is a part of a strategic plan that complenents the actions that come from the Institution of Cooperation and Development (INCODE) of the UPNFM. El Centro de Idiomas abre sus puertas a la comunidad de la UPNFM en febrero de 2015; teniendo como objetivo primordial la promoción de la internacionalización de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM). El Centro de Idiomas es parte de la estrategia complementaria a las acciones que viene impulsando el Instituto de Cooperación y Desarrollo (INCODE) de la UPNFM.