The Languages Center started a new period of classes with classes beginning on Thursday, May 24. This session includes nine different languages, included a class of Japonese I (see picture), taught by Professor Ana Belinda Aguilar. El Centro de Idiomas empezó con un nuevo periodo de clases empezando el 24 de Mayo. Esta sesión incluye nueve idiomas diferentes, inluyendo una clases de Japonés 1 (vea la foto), a cargo de Ana Belinda Aguilar.
Kathy Munguia, a student from the Languages Center's English course, has traveled to El Salvador this week and she shared a bit about her interesting experience: ''The event that I am in is called "International Itinerant Sculpture Symposium, Metapán 2018", we are working in Metapán, Santa Ana, El Salvador. We are 20 sculptors, there are participants from Italy, El Salvador, Honduras, Hungary, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, of which 3 are women, one from El Salvador, one from Italy and I from Honduras.
The Wednesday’s Black History Month film of “Hidden Talents” was attended by members of the U.S. Embassy. We were honored by the presence of two cultural affairs officers, who spoke about the history of the United States during this time. El película “Talentos Ocultos,” mostrado por el Centro de Idiomas como parte de Black History Month, fue asistido por miembros de la embajada estadounidense. Nos sentimos honrados por la presencia de dos oficiales de asuntos culturales, quienes nos hablaron de la historia de los Estados Unidos durante esta época.
Micah Warners was presented officially to the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. The President and Vice President of Academic Affairs met him and gave him an official welcome on the sixth of March. Micah is working with the Languages Center through a Fulbright grant and will be here for ten months, from February until December. The main purpose of this grant is to promote international partnership and mutual understanding through the supporting of English programs. Micah and his wife moved here from Grand Rapids, MI, where he previously was a high school Spanish teacher and had attended Calvin College.
The French class, on March 19 at the UPNFM, led a celebration of International Francophonie Day. This special day celebrates the French language as well as Francophone culture. The class, along with Professor Henríquez, led the celebration with talking, songs, videos, and gamesLa clase de francés realizó una celebración del Día de Francofonía. El Día de Francofonía celebra el idioma de francés y la cultura Francofonía. La clase a cargo del Profesor Henríquez, dirigieron la celebración con discursos, canciones, videos, y juegos.
The Languages Center opened its doors to the UPNFM community in February, 2015; having has its main objective the promotion of the internationalization of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM). The Languages Center is a part of a strategic plan that complenents the actions that come from the Institution of Cooperation and Development (INCODE) of the UPNFM. El Centro de Idiomas abre sus puertas a la comunidad de la UPNFM en febrero de 2015; teniendo como objetivo primordial la promoción de la internacionalización de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM). El Centro de Idiomas es parte de la estrategia complementaria a las acciones que viene impulsando el Instituto de Cooperación y Desarrollo (INCODE) de la UPNFM.