Thursday, 18 October 2018 16:17

Japanese Students Participate in National Oratory Contest

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Three students from the Languages Center participated in the thirteenth National Oratory Contest of Japanese. Argelia Idiaquez came in second place in the A category, and Betsabé Rodríguez and Edman Godoy also participated. This was the third consecutive year that UPN students partook in this competition, and the event was judged by Japanese nationals. Congratulations to the students!

Three students from the Languages Center participated in the thirteenth National Oratory Contest of Japanese. Argelia Idiaquez came in second place in the A category, and Betsabé Rodríguez and Edman Godoy also participated. This was the third consecutive year that UPN students partook in this competition, and the event was judged by Japanese nationals. Congratulations to the students!

Tres estudiantes del Centro del Idiomas participarton en el décimo tercer Concurso Nacional de Oratoria del idioma japonés. Argelia Idiaquez obtuvo segundo lugar en categoría A, y también participaron Betsabé Rodríguez y Edman Godoy. Este año fue el tercer año consecutivo que participan estudiantes de la UPN, y el evento contó con jurado de nacionalidad japonesa. ¡Felicidades a los estudiantes!

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Como Surge el CI

The Languages Center opened its doors to the UPNFM community in February, 2015; having has its main objective the promotion of the internationalization of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM). The Languages Center is a part of a strategic plan that complenents the actions that come from the Institution of Cooperation and Development (INCODE) of the UPNFM. El Centro de Idiomas abre sus puertas a la comunidad de la UPNFM en febrero de 2015; teniendo como objetivo primordial la promoción de la internacionalización de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM). El Centro de Idiomas es parte de la estrategia complementaria a las acciones que viene impulsando el Instituto de Cooperación y Desarrollo (INCODE) de la UPNFM.